Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's 2011

wow... I looked back and realized it's been awhile since I have blogged anything. A lot has happened in the months that have gone by. So where do we start?! Let's start with what is happening here and now.

Me: I spend my days either sleeping, or moving slowly, or going to or calling doctors. I am also trying my best to be a part of Ian's class; participating in functions, and working in the class whenever possible. As far my health, because I know you are all wanting to ask about that... I feel OK. I definitely have my good days and my not so good days. Here's the run down.... due to my Lupus, my Kidneys are currently functioning at around 25%, the other 75% is just dead tissue. I am not elible for a transplant, because the doc says the surgery would be too risky and useless because my body would just detroy a new kidney. While we are still talking kidneys, I should mention that I have a tumor on my adrenal gland which is twice as big as my adrenal and is attached to my kidney as well (a healthy part). they have done a biopsy (ouch) and they do ultrsounds to keep an eye on it. so far it hasn't grown too much, and not enough for them to worry. Lets move a little to the front and the right.... My liver. My doctor describes my liver as "toxic". It too is behaving badly. it is refusing to make the enzymes necessary to breakdown solid foods, so I take meds for that, and also get most of my meals via meal shakes that give me all the nutrients my body needs. My brain is still challenging me, although, with the heperin and other meds i am taking, it keeps my headaches under control and keeps the fluid in my brain at a decent level.... could be a little lower. I have had several seizures and the doc says probably a couple small strokes as well, but nothing I can't recover from. my glucose is out of whack, my bun is high and creatine is sticking at 2.1 Sometimes it takes longer to rebilitate than others, but I always bounce back eventually. Right now, I am trying to make a name for myself with sweet treats and cupcakes. Soon you may see our company doing weddings and parties. but for now it's all about raising money for Project Surf Camp and the Walk for Autism GO TEAM IAN!!!

there is more I could go on about, but let's move on..... let's talk about Ian.
Ian has had his own struggles. He is in the second grade, although his abilities are all over the board. He is a great reader and is dong great at math. He loves science and loves to see how things work and how to put things together and take them apart. He also has grown a lot of compassion. He loves animals, and babies. Two things that once used to scare him, he now shows much love for. when he's not in school, and not in therapy, he likes the water, and likes to hang out with friends. He has a new girlfriend or two or three every week. He does seem to get along better with the girls, he doesn't like to wrestle, play ball or rough house with the other boys. but all his classmates, teachers and therapists seem to love him and say he has a lot of love in his heart and isn't afraid to show it. He has been going to the children's hospital in Madera for a mass that is growing in his neck and chest. they believe it is harmless thymus tissue and are watching it. the surgery is riskier than laving it there as long as it doesn't interupt anything. He takes meds for his seizures and for his behaviour and meatonin to sleep.

Dale has had some changes. He is no longer a supervisor of the gabage company, but is a relief driver/ trainer. It's nice in some ways, his hours are pretty predictable, and he seems to be bringing home less stress, which is a plus for all of us.

We lost our house in Porterville; our investment property.... but with all the medical bills and the poor APR we got it was just a sinkhole, so had to say adios. it was a nice house too, just not a good investment for us. it sucks to walk away from something like that.

We trust in God, and know He has a plan for us. We will continue to trust in Him. And although I physically can not have any more babies, i am pleased to announce that i have another godchild, and i love him as if he was my own. I love all my babies.

well, I think I have bored you enough for now. if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask. Much Love, Hugs and Kisses Traci and Family.

feel free to help us out with either charity.