Saturday, September 19, 2009

Things are Progressing

Well it's been a quick month. It seems to be flying by without any major snafu's. Dale and I celebrated our 11th year of marriage on the 12th with dinner at a golf golf and resturant called Mc.Phees. During Dinner there was benefit tournament going on. The benifit happened to be one that Dale and I had used with Ian. It's called Jack's Helping Hands and it is stocked with special needs toys and modules like a library system. They would work out of the gym that we would go to, and out of the Autism Spectrum Disorder building in San Luis. So We were more than happy to donate a little more. After Dinner, we went and saw "all about Steve" with Sandra Bullock" Cute movie, but at $10.50 a ticket, I would reccomend renting it. I fell in love with the T Shirt that she is wearing throughout the entire movie! Then we came home and we all went to sleep.

Earlier in the week, I had been in the ER for yet another excruitiating headache. This headache had some neurological effects, but they had a trauma coming in, so I was given my usual cocktail of meds and sent home. I wasn't too concerned since i had an appointment with a neurosurgeon at UCLA in less than a week. So after talking to Doctor Bob Shafa at UCLA, he is ready to get me started on treatments. So he and my new PCP spoke and decided to do an MRV on the 25th and they are checking for a blood clot in my main vein in my brain. When that comes back negative, then I will be going to UCLA for a special test. They will drill a small hole in my head and put a probe in my head to directly measure the fluid in my grain. If the fluid is consistently over 20 than the doctor will proceed with a shunt. Doesn't all that sound fun? So we need to raise some $$ to pay for some outstanding medical bills. both from me and from Ian. Ian goes back to the children's hospital to review his growth on his neck. If it has grown, they will want to remove it. So it looks like October is going to be busy month this year. Next week, We have a ,Team meeting for Ian's adult school reguarding moving him up to gist grafe.
I am falling asleep as I type, so I will close this up for now.
Please keep the prayers, good thoughts and positive outlooks. I thank you fou from the bottom of my overworked but still spry heart. I love each and evey one of you.


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