Sunday, October 11, 2009

mid october

I can't believe it's almost the middle of the month, and things are moving so fast.  All the details will come later, but I feel like I am stuck in a tornado and can't get out.  My foot is not yet healed.  I had to pass on physical therapy because of the cost.  My medical bills have drained us both emotionally and physically, and we haven't even gotten the bills for my foot accident and brain surgery is in two weeks..... hope they take payments, because I would hate for them to reposess my brain, not that it would matter much.  I think I am going to miss the Havest games with Ian this year which I am totally bummed about, but sacrifices have to come somewhere.  I am sure he will have fun with Auntie or nana or Daddy, whomever has him.  We are gonna have a swap meet and do a little declutter, although I don't thnk it will be done before surgery, but all the proceeds will go towards are medical bills.
I am on the craziest diet, apparently my body doesn't like food, or doesn't like digesting it.  I am allergic or sensitive to... are you ready, I will just give you the catagories not the whole list...Gluten (wheat), Soy, Dairy, Shellfish, pork, and sugar ( I have a extreme amount of yeast in my system, hence the ugly toenails that never see the light of day.)  and lettuce... yes, lettuce.  So here I thought I was a healthy eater, but I was really not for my spcific needs.  And I have chicken, turkey, eggs, yogurt, a couple fruits, a few veggies, but to keep my kidney disease in check, I need to keep my proteins down.  OH, and I can't have tap water... but ours is so uber filtered and well water that it doen't have all the chemicals in it, so I think I am safe there.

So I am starting to get a little worried about surgery.  the first one is a trial to see if I am even I candidate for a shunt, and then if that proves the theory correctly then I have major surgery to put in a shunt that will empty out into my belly (one more thing for me to figure out how to digest)

I have already been scoped down my esophagus and they said it looked healthy, but that I may have a prolasped valve causing me not to be able to keep anything down (this is nothing new, this has been going on since I was a teen).  So I take a little pill to relax the mucsles, but now they think it's relaxing my colonic muscles as well.... I told the doc can we just work on one end at a time?  I need a small hole patched in my nasal cavity from having my nose broken twice in the same spot, it chipped a piece of bone out and so now if I get a sinus infection I have a larger risk of another ear infection and the inner and outter ear are both scarred from multiple infections.  I hope this simple procedure is covered my insurance!  Maybe I will ask McSteamy to do it!

October 20th is our new meeting for Ian.  They will be dicussing moving him in to the first grade class.  I pray the Lord for guidance on this one, because as a mother I want to see him move up, but I have to trust in the school system to let me know if he is ready.

The year is almost up.  A poor christmas for us this year, but as long as we are all safe,warm, and healthy, who could want anything more at this point!

a song that means something to me right now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Traci, I don't know any words to say, but know that I love you, and thinking of you and praying for you!

    One of my BIGGEST fears when Nat was dignosed was a shunt, but they have come so far in the last 10 years, AND you are grown, so you don't have t othink of the etension surgeries everytime you grow, that is good. I pray that slowly but surely they are able to make you feel better and all of this will lead to a marked improved quality of life for you!

    Hugs dear one!
