Sunday, August 23, 2009


It is nearing the end of August. Ian is back in school, repeating Kindergarten, but on the fast track to the first grade. He has made so many advances over the summer that the teachers are amazed by his progress. We are so happy and proud of him. He actually got up and taught his group the other day because the teacher made a mistake and he corrected her and so she asked if he would like to teach the class about shapes, Ian jumped on the opportunity to show off his wits. He is reading books like crazy and is loving math. He adds and subtracts in his head, this kid amazes me! He is eager to learn everything he can and in every language. Now, if we can just get his hand friends (stemming) under control and keep him awake long enough to do a full day of class. So far no seizures since his medicine increase, and he even has a fancy for a new girl in his class, Pamela.... kissed her on the second day of school! what a ladies man.

So back to September. September has never been a good month for us. We did get married in September, but from that point on it seemed that month was doomed. So much so that we don't celebrate our aniversary in September, we usually wait til may or June. Crazy I know. When we rededicate our vows, we are definitely not doing it in September. Dale and I were married September 12th 1998. The following year I was diagnosed with Lupus when I woke up one morning unable to move. The next year was the 9/11 attacks. The year after that my beloved grandfather passed away from Leukemia, and he was an amazing man. He had so many amazing stories and I still talk to him and ask him what to do with Ian. Him and Ian would be best of buds, both love fast cars and airplanes and the beach. At least I know My grandfather sits next to our Father and watches over us. And it's just one thing after another that happens in september. Maybe it's the enemy, maybe it's dumb luck, but I always get a little stressed when september rolls around. This year, September starts out with my father having surgery for cancer, my brother making some irrational decisions, my mom trying to pass a huge kidney stone, and lab work up the kazoo for me and a bone density test, and hopefully a trip to UCLA if they call back tomarrow. I missed the call on Friday and had to leave another message. So now it's a game of phone tag. I also go and see a new doctor with hopefully new perspective on September 2nd. So we are going to take one day at a time and thank the Lord for every new day He brings, and if we hit a few bumps along the way, we will put our faith in God and grit our teeth and bear it and pray a lot. But we also have some exciting things happening this next month. A friends pre-wedding party (hoping I still get to make the cake). And hopefully some positive changes. So hold on world, here comes September.

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